stead - definição. O que é stead. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é stead - definição

Stead (disambiguation)

n. to stand smb. in good stead ('to be useful to smb.')
¦ noun the place or role that someone or something should have or fill: she was appointed in his stead.
stand someone in good stead be advantageous to someone over time or in the future.
OE stede 'place', of Gmc origin.
·vt To fill place of.
II. Stead ·noun A farmhouse and offices.
III. Stead ·noun Place, or spot, in general.
IV. Stead ·noun A frame on which a bed is laid; a bedstead.
V. Stead ·noun Place or room which another had, has, or might have.
VI. Stead ·vt To Help; to Support; to Benefit; to Assist.



Stead (pronounced 'sted' as in "instead") is an English surname, and may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para stead
1. this will stand you in good stead.
Strategy - A History _ Lawrence Freedman _ Talks at Google
2. I think, has put him in great stead.
Touching Distance _ James Cracknell & Beverley Turner _ Talks at Google
3. you would be in good stead with Nazi elite.
Nazi Looting - Theft and Recovery _ Shauna Isaac _ Talks at Google
4. That one, at least, has stood me in good stead.
The Devil's Financial Dictionary and The Intelligent Investor _ Jason Zweig _ Talks at Google
5. So chickens were a garbage disposal, salvage operation in the homestead and the farm stead.
Folks, This Ain't Normal _ Joel Salatin _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para stead
1. Advertisement In Ramon‘s stead, Olmert named Prof.
2. It was in his stead that Graham recruited Shawn Crawford.
3. Murtha‘s reputation for bipartisanship will hold in good stead."
4. This would require Israel to do so in their stead.
5. That‘s what‘s stood us in such good stead all year.